Checkout best practice 101: guest checkout

Checkout best practice 101: guest checkout

Welcome to part two of a series in which I’ll look at some checkout optimisation basics, features or practices which are likely to reduce abandonment rates. The first post looked at why enclosing the checkout process is a good idea, now we’ll look at the use of guest...
10 Notable Omnichannel Trends and Statistics

10 Notable Omnichannel Trends and Statistics

How important is omnichannel customer engagement strategy? Omnichannel shopping experience is the latest buzzword in retail, and rightly so because it streamlines both online and in-store customer experience. Basically, omni-channel is simply a multi-channel sales...
How to gear towards mobile commerce success

How to gear towards mobile commerce success

Apple’s recent announcement that it is preparing to bring one-touch shopping to the mobile web points to a major milestone in mobile commerce. Brands are moving past mobile hype and towards delivering options that customers want. While the US tech giant had already...
Master Mobile Moments In The IoT World

Master Mobile Moments In The IoT World

Marketers are always falling in love with mobile’s latest “shiny new object” and new technology acronyms — 5G, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), NFC (near-field communication), RWD (responsive web design), etc. — and they’re constantly looking for the next platform, whether...